What Can You Do For Your Business During This Downtime?

As things are slowing down to curb the spread of COVID-19, businesses will definitely be impacted and you can only do within your means at this point of time to keep your business afloat.

But let's not get too demotivated, maybe this could be the time to relook into your business as a whole and determine areas that can be improved. Here are a few things you can consider and start looking into.


Relook & Rethink Your Business Strategy

Times are changing, so as the needs and wants of your customers. Have you had the time to consider a change in strategy to tackle the current problems faced by your customers; the existing and the new ones?

Strategizing covers varied areas from how you portray your brand to customers, determining your internal organisation's culture to drive your business and how to diversify revenue channels. With so many aspects to look into, a downtime like this may be the right time to dive deep into your strategies.

If you are interested to bring your team together and strategize on the next move, maybe the Design Strategy & Discovery could be a viable option for you.


Re-Design Existing POSM (Point Of Sale Materials) To Capture & Engage Customers Effectively

As a brand, you’ve allocated marketing budgets to drive sales and capture people attention even to the final moments of purchasing. Maybe it's time to rethink how to level up your POSM materials (with tech!) to keep your customers engaged with your brand?

Depending on what you require, Product Innovation Workshop can be conducted with your team to generate feasible ideas. Whether it is to improve existing ideas/ execution or creating a totally new experience, our years of experience in both industrial design and engineering can take your ideas to a whole new level.


Diversify Product Range With New Product Development (R&D)

If you do not have an R&D team but are looking into innovating more products for a more diverse product range, you can consider outsourcing to a team who is well versed in Industrial Design & Product Engineering.

It takes time to determine the right team for your business, whether it’s about the geographical location, experience, team size, etc. Why not schedule an appointment with us to see where we fit?

Here’s more information on our services.