MCO Initiative: [Part 2] Bringing The Builders & Makers Community Together

This series of write up is by Tee Chian, Expedio’s Technical Director and also the main lead for this project/ initiative. Throughout this duration, he plans and coordinates all the material, suppliers, fabrication, liaising with hospitals and the delivery of the project.

So we have been running this and it was underway since the weekend. As I am typing this, we have done close to 500 face shields using the DIY method. I've done many runs these days to secure more raw material. We now have material to make 3000 face shields.

Along the way, we've met some amazing people trying to pull everything together to make everything work. MinNature 3D Prints was one of the very early people that we got in touch with who was in very close contact almost daily to update each other on the direction of how everything was going. The amazing guys at Me.reka provided us with the much needed elastic bands at 12 am at night and are constantly in touch on output capacity. Andy Lam has been phenomenal in securing A4 transparencies all over KL, doing multiple runs direct to factories. Our bulk of transparencies came from him. The whole effort is also closely linked to the 3D Printing Malaysia Community for COVID 19 (Group) that is ongoing.

A big shoutout goes to our Serdang Hub which is the house of one of our colleague. That hub has been churning out the majority of our face shields led by Qiao Yuan. Her family and community came out to help, sewing machine was running, special tools that we never knew existed were brought out (please bear in mind her that her family are champion shoemakers). I tried to ask auntie to donate her scissors to me, she joke back and said, "Can... if you know how to use it"

Great effort guys!