Hand Sanitizer Wristband

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A hero needs armor, you need sanitizer!

The rapid spread of COVID-19 pandemic had created a new norm in the society, where personal hygiene has become one of the most important concerns whenever and wherever you are.

With that concern in mind, one of our interns, Yi Min came up with the concept of a Hand Sanitizer Wristband, dedicated to cater for the public’s need of gel sanitizers in areas such as zoos, museums, tourist spots, etc. where accessibility to hand sanitizers are limited.

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The hand sanitizer wristband is inspired by the theme parks’ entrance wristband where each individual that enters the area is required to put on the wristband, and the hand sanitizer wristband will also act as a reminder for the users to sanitize their hands regularly. The wristband provides an adequate amount for each individual that enters the area, consisting of 4 pockets of sanitizer with a squeeze of 2ml each.

Packaging wise, the hand sanitizer wristband could be packed in transparent film with graphics or even branded with a corporate logo.

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It comes at a standard length of 225 mm to fit different wrist sizes, and adjustable with snap clip for a better fit.

With easy accessibility to sanitizers right at your wrist, now families and little ones are able to have fun safely in public areas, without increasing their risks against contagious diseases.